Sunday, 22 April 2012

Nerd off!! Pulse News Reader vs Flud News Reader

NERD OFF!!  Pulse News Reader vs Flud News Reader
I recently watched a video online about this new News Reader application that made news reading beautiful. Now, instantly I was intrigued because I love beautiful applications (sometimes I prefer the beauty over the function.) This application in question was the Flud News Reader application and I am proud to say, it really does stack up as one of the best featured and best looking RSS readers on the market.

Now, for a long time, I have used Pulse News as this is without a question one of the best readers out there as it is simple to use and yet has its own beautiful features too. I’ve been using Flud for about a week now and decided that I wanted to do a comparison between to two by separating the comparison into different categories and then grading both apps at the end of each round. The four categories I have chosen to compare these two applications in are: Ease of Use, Presentation, Reliability, Speed and Features.

I’ll do the obvious thing and talk about each of the categories for both applications and then as aforementioned, I’ll grade each application on how it performs in the certain category. All right, let’s begin.

Ease of Use
One of the things I highlighted about as to why Pulse was so popular was the fact that it is just simply so easy to use and allows you to simply open the app, tap on a story and you’re off. However, when it comes to other sections such as adding in stories, I began to get a tad confused. There isn’t simply an “Add Source” button or something on this application which means you have to find the correct button. In addition to this, there are two settings buttons, one is a cog that acts as your Source feed manager and the other opens up actual settings. Now I know this is trivial, but compared to Flud’s way of adding a source, it’s slightly misleading. Apart from that though, the application is easy to use when reading articles and sharing articles etc.
Rating: 8.9
With Flud, you have a completely different way of doing this; there is a settings button up in the top right-hand corner (signified by the ICS three dots) which you tap and then it gives you the option to “Add News” which for me, was a FAR simpler way of adding news. However, viewing isn’t as simple because with Pulse, you scroll down and each feed has it’s own row, yet it all appears on one panel. However, with Flud, you have multiple panes to slide through and slide down each Feed; so it would be tricky to find a certain Feed if you didn’t have them organised and had quite a few.
Rating: 8.3
Pulse is a beautiful little application that really shines when using it on a tablet device, however, we’re talking about the Android mobile version here and it just feels a little simple. There are some nice animations thrown in when navigating the application, but visually when you’re not using the app, it’s not a very appealing application. In addition, the fact Pulse has two settings buttons really does not make sense to me, but there may be some reason for that.
Rating: 8.4
Earlier I talked about how I found Flud because I’d watched a video in which they’d said Flud made reading news pretty and they weren’t far wrong! I think whoever designed this application’s interface really knew what made an application sexy. It uses large photos for each news story and the icons along the top are large but not too large. The scrolling between different panels is really nice and works well. I would like if they’d added in some animations, but the app is still young and so has a big future ahead of it.
Rating: 9.1

Another reason that Pulse is so popular is down to its reliability. With it’s built in push notifications, the fact it always works so well and the way that everything just seems to gel together. With some applications you seem to get the problem that they don’t respond when outside of Wi-Fi (for me anyway) however with Pulse, you can count on it wherever you go and it will always bring you your News and fast!
Rating: 8.9
Flud is fairly new to the market and so has had little time to get rid of bugs and such, however I pleasantly surprised with how reliable this application is. At the start I did experience a problem here I had to log in to my account every time I opened it, but that problem seems to have gone away and will certainly be fixed in a future update. Apart from this, news stories always seem to be up to date when I get into the application along with the fact I’ve had no crashes with the application.
Rating: 8.7

As I mentioned before, Pulse will bring you your news very fast. However, seeing as this is a comparison between the two, I felt that Flud always seemed to be up to date and I never found myself having to refresh the news feed. However with Pulse, I did feel the need to refresh the news feeds. Apart from this, the application zooms around and news stories open up nice and fast and once again, updates to the application can only make this action faster.
Rating: 8.5
As I mentioned in the Pulse part of this round, Flud appears to have the news feed refreshed and updated before you even access the application. This may be a brilliant push function, or it may just be the fact that I see the notification from Pulse and open the same news feed in Flud and they’ve already been refreshed or something, I don’t know. As for the speed of the application, it is a very nippy app, however I do feel it could be updated with a slight speed improvement when opening stories or maybe animations to make it seem like they’ve opened quicker.
Rating: 8.5

Pulse is a very simple News Reader application in terms of features. You can share stories over your social networks and can save them to your account. The is a nice feature as it enables to be able to save your News Feeds for when you open up Pulse online or on another device. However, apart from that, there’s a not you can really do with Pulse except add/remove news feeds, set categories and reaarange the positions of your feeds.
Rating: 8.1
Now this is where I think Flud could really become the top News Reading application! Not only does Flud have ALL the options that Pulse features, but it also has it’s very own personal social side. When you first open the application, you are asked to create a Flud account which intrigued me. Now what this means is that you can “Flud” things which is basically “Favouriting” or “Liking” them which then people who follow you can see. You can also view what others have “Fluded” and their Top Sources, where they live, how many articles they’ve read. IN ADDITION, you have an activity button at the top of the homescreen that lets you view a timeline of what your friends have Fluded. I personally think this could be a MASSIVE boost for social news reading and could in fact bring the younger generation into reading more news as they can then share and talk about it with their friends. Brilliant idea Flud team and I hope you really build on this and take advantage of this!
Rating: 9.5
Okay, that’s all the categories covered, now it’s time to tally up the ratings and give you an overall score so you can see which application scored the highest. Here are the overall ratings:
Pulse: 42.8
Flud: 44.1

As you can see, Flud has edged in front os Pulse which is a VERY impressive feat for an application that isn’t half as well known as the Pulse application. Now I believe that Flud could really explode within the mobile app market if it gains some publicity. With a little speed improvement and some more stable features here and there, this application has the potential to be the best news application in the market. The social features really make this application stand out and really make it something very different. Not to mention how beautiful the application looks and feels!
Download Pulse
Download Flud
Thank you for reading, below is a list of places you can follow me or ask me questions:

Twitter: @luke_harkness
Instagram: @luke_harkness

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